Contact/About me
Lessons 1-10
1 - Pronunciation
Sindarin IPA
2 - Greetings
3 - Origins
Sindarin place names
4 - Questions
5 - Eating & drinking
6 - Plurals (1)
7 - Plurals (2)
8 - Pronouns (nominative)
9 - Pronouns (object & dative)
10 - Colours & Soft mutation introduction
Lessons 11-20
11 - Soft mutation
12 - Using adjectives & adverbs
13 - Prepositions
14 - Prefixes
15 - Nasal mutation
16 - Pronouns (possessive)
17 - Verbs (Present Tense)
18 - Verbs (Past Tense)
19 - Verbs (Intransitive endings and irregulars)
20 - Verbs (Future Tense)
Lessons 21-30
21 - Verbs (Conditional)
22 - Irregular verbs
23 - Verbs (Dual)
24 - Sentence structure
25 - Negation
26 - 'To be'
27 - Relative pronouns and uncertainty
28 - Timekeeping
29 - Numbers & Mathematics
30 - Mixed mutation
Lessons 31-40
31 - Plurals (3): Class plurals
32 - Possessive, singular and diminutive suffixes
33 - Comparatives & Superlatives
34 - Abstract Suffix
35 - Further suffixes
36 - How to make names (1)
37 - How to make names (2)
38 - Gondorian & Mirkwood Sindarin
39 - Doriathrin Sindarin
40 - Liquid and Stop mutations
Lessons 41 onwards
41 - Elision
Mutation chart
Pronoun chart
(m)b words
(n)d words
(n)g words
Grammatical terms
Language of the hands
One hand palm upwards
Gesture of recipient, or asking for something.
Both hands palm upwards
You are at the service/command of whom you are talking to.
One hand palm forwards
Gesture of prohibition, i.e. Halt! Silence! This would never be used in greeting.
One hand palm backwards
Greetings, welcome.
One hand edge forwards
Casual greeting in passing, no further speech desired.
Both arms wide, below shoulder level, palms upward
No weapon in either hand (I come in peace).
Extending the fingers for any of these increases the significance of the gesture
(Paraphrased from an essay in Vinyar Tengwar).
Contact/About me
Lessons 1-10
1 - Pronunciation
Sindarin IPA
2 - Greetings
3 - Origins
Sindarin place names
4 - Questions
5 - Eating & drinking
6 - Plurals (1)
7 - Plurals (2)
8 - Pronouns (nominative)
9 - Pronouns (object & dative)
10 - Colours & Soft mutation introduction
Lessons 11-20
11 - Soft mutation
12 - Using adjectives & adverbs
13 - Prepositions
14 - Prefixes
15 - Nasal mutation
16 - Pronouns (possessive)
17 - Verbs (Present Tense)
18 - Verbs (Past Tense)
19 - Verbs (Intransitive endings and irregulars)
20 - Verbs (Future Tense)
Lessons 21-30
21 - Verbs (Conditional)
22 - Irregular verbs
23 - Verbs (Dual)
24 - Sentence structure
25 - Negation
26 - 'To be'
27 - Relative pronouns and uncertainty
28 - Timekeeping
29 - Numbers & Mathematics
30 - Mixed mutation
Lessons 31-40
31 - Plurals (3): Class plurals
32 - Possessive, singular and diminutive suffixes
33 - Comparatives & Superlatives
34 - Abstract Suffix
35 - Further suffixes
36 - How to make names (1)
37 - How to make names (2)
38 - Gondorian & Mirkwood Sindarin
39 - Doriathrin Sindarin
40 - Liquid and Stop mutations
Lessons 41 onwards
41 - Elision
Mutation chart
Pronoun chart
(m)b words
(n)d words
(n)g words
Grammatical terms
Language of the hands